Hoiame omadele pöialt

Kõik muu mis mujale ei sobi !

Moderaatorid: Mihkel, Ringo

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Postitusi: 343
Liitunud: 14.11.2007 12:21
Asukoht: tln

Hoiame omadele pöialt

Postitus Postitas onesuspect »

Nitrous is like a hot girl with an STD. You know you want to hit it, but your scared of the results. If everything seems under control, you're just not moving fast enough.
Postitusi: 49
Liitunud: 13.01.2015 17:40

Re: Hoiame omadele pöialt

Postitus Postitas anryo »

Selles kõrvalfoorumi teemas on rohkem infot kogunenud, kel huvi jälgida:
http://www.tqhq.ee/forum/viewtopic.php?tid=47786" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
We live in a poor neighborhood - we can only afford to drive old cars.
'93 GMC Typhoon 4.3V6 Turbo
'70 Plymouth Supercharged Hemi 'cuda
'68 Ford Thunderbird 429cid BB