
Arutelu erinevate standalone ajude üle

Moderaatorid: Mihkel, Ringo

Postitusi: 1750
Liitunud: 29.11.2004 10:24
Asukoht: tallinn, kopli


Postitus Postitas Kuuno »

Hestec is suitable for ordinary and race-cars where electric fuel injection systems are allowed

Hestec is suitable for charged and non-charged engines

Hestec can be used either as a pure injection version or as combined injection and ignition control version

Hestec is suitable for 3,4,5,6 and 8 cylinder engines

Hestec includes datalogger which makes adjusting easier

Adjustment values can be saved to disk and changed quickly if necessary

Hestec helps to get wider performance of the engine since the fuel mixture and ignition advance can be precisely adjusted from the idle rpm up to maximum rpm with in steps of 300rpm. In fact the control unit adjusts the mixture with in steps of 60 rpm by counting average values between given adjustment figures. The mixture can be adjusted nearly steplessly at a particular rpm according to different loadings of the engine by curved lines.

In turbo cars the mixture can be adjusted from vacuum up to maximum boosting pressure

If good flowing throttle bodies are used more performance can be achieved from engine than using carburetor

Programmable injection system also makes the mixture function properly at all rpms and loads in high performance engines

Sometimes with carburetor, in high curve speeds and in jumps, gas surfaces may ripple. Such problems don't occur when injection system is used and if the tank is proberly built.

In non-charged engines it's possible to use throttle position steering. Vacuum of engine is not controlled but the mixture is adjusted always according to postion of gas pedal and rpm (this works better in high performance engines than vacuum controlled system).

Two Hall sensors are installed on the crankshaft for checking the position of engine. One sensor is installed 51o before TDC and the other approx. 20o after the TDC of the last cylinder in ignition order. The distributor of car is left unused and it's replaced by double spark coils and coil drive unit, which is controlled by Hestec unit control. Ignition advance can be adjusted at 300 rpm steps according to different loading situations at 0,2o periods. In practice the Hestec unit control adjusts ignition advance at 60 rpm steps by counting average values between given adjustment figures. It's also possible to use cars own revolution speed sensor and triggerwheel or Hestecs own wheel and one sensor (needs adaptercard).


The distributor of car is left in use and one coil is used. Distributor divides sparks to different cylinders according to ignition order. Two Hall sensors are installed on crankshaft 51o before TDC and additionally ignition coildrive unit is installed. Hestec unit control adjust advances like in direct ignition version.

Computer requirements for programming

Processor intel 80286 or faster
IBM compatible
IBM DOS/MSDOS 5.0 systemversion or newer
At least one RS232 standard serial communication port
VGA compatible display controller and color display if possible
Operating memory 512kb free
720kb or 1,44mb flobbydrive

Kasutaja avatar
Kpt. Trumm
Postitusi: 273
Liitunud: 29.11.2004 21:24

Re: Hestec-omadused

Postitus Postitas Kpt. Trumm »

Üle pika aja hakkab Hesteciga midagi uuenema. Sain Harinenidelt välja pinnida uue Hesteci infot natuke. Kõiki vanu Hesteceid saab uuendada. Uuenduse hind jääb esialgsetel andmetel kuhugu 800€ kanti. Muugis veel ametlikult ei ole ja ametlikku info paberit ei ole veel väljas. Testimised on lõpusirgel. Peamised muudatused:

New 32bit ARM automotive processor
Realtime/online tuning - tuning while engine is running
Longer datalogging memory, eeprom memory - datalogging is not lost when power is off
Digital trigger sensor interface, possible to change trigger type and trigger levels from software:
- tested/ready trigger code for example:
>missing teeth (for example 16-1, 36-1, 36-2, 60-2... most commonly used)
>nissan optical directly to ecu! (for example skyline, 200sx, 300zx, primera, almera, sunny...)
>Toyota/Honda 24+1, 12+1 (celica, supra, soarer, integra, civic)
>ford cosworth 2wd/4wd, lancia delta 8V/16V (4teeth on crank, 2 on cam)
>volvo 850 / fiat coupe 5-cyl
>hall sensors on crank/cam(like in old hestec)
>mitsubishi 3000gt optical
>jaguar V12
>honda civic ls / typer-r
>audi 5-cyl. (S2,S4,S6) testing / coming soon
>gm hei distributor (chevrolet, pontiac)

More maps! (now almost 50 adjusting maps 3d/2d, and more is coming...)
- cylinder based fuel corrections
- now possible to effect correction maps, more corrections
- adjustable map headers
- better throttle pump settings (maps according to rpm), more starting options (fuel maps),
- possible to calibrate temperature sensors in software.

- Lambda control: Wideband or narrow band, 3D target map rpm/load, more settings for lambda control
- More injection outputs (possible to run 6 cylinder sequential, (we have made sequential injection also to 8-cyl, but it needs modification to circuit board).
- Better launch control, launch system, better antilag system
- More limiters
- Same operation system in all engines, same features (antilag on 5-cyl, 6-cyl, 8-cyl...)
- Improved Wastegate control with PWM output (open loop, or closed loop with 3d maps)
- Improved Idle speed control with PWM output (closed or open loop, more options for idle speed, possible to change idle according to coolant temperature)
- Improved marking system in real time or from datalogging (like old hestec)
- Internet update (possible to update also processor firmware with software)

Helmuntie 83, 37600 Valkeakoski

Info on põhimõtteliselt peast kirjutatud ja pooled asjad on veel puudu. Täiendan kui uut infot saan.
73 Datsun 240Z RB26
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Kasutaja avatar
Kpt. Trumm
Postitusi: 273
Liitunud: 29.11.2004 21:24

Re: Hestec-omadused

Postitus Postitas Kpt. Trumm »

Hestec pakub nüüd ka uut 32bitist miniversiooni X32 mis on rohkem mõeldud 4 silinriliste jaoks (wasted spark ja pihustiga 8 silindrit). Hind on taskukohasem vähemate väljundite arvelt.

Võrdluse info 32 ja X32 vahel http://hestececu.com/tuotteet/hestec32/

Hind on 1060€ sis. km.
73 Datsun 240Z RB26
http://www.facebook.com/ZerialModified" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 2829
Liitunud: 29.11.2004 21:48
Asukoht: tartu

Re: Hestec-omadused

Postitus Postitas jeff01 »

Mis andureid hestec kasutab? Hetkel mure just temp anduritega.....väidetavalt kolme juhtmeline :roll:
DÜNOPINK Tartus 56231442 https://www.facebook.com/WhlsUP/
Pakun ka Megasquirt juhtajusid ning nende paigaldust, ümberehitust ja seadistust.
Postitusi: 32
Liitunud: 06.03.2008 21:22
Asukoht: Saue vald

Re: Hestec-omadused

Postitus Postitas matzz007 »

Keegi oskab öelda, kuidas oleks võimalik saada ühendust Hestec ajuga. Millinne juhe peab olema täpselt? Tegemist on siis vana Hesteciga.